I'm Andrew!

I am a full-stack web developer

About Me

Let me tell you a little about myself. Since 2009 I've been working in digital advertising and marketing. Then in 2019 I dropped everything on a whim and jumped into an accelerated software development program. It was there that I discovered my passion for coding.

Aside from coding, I'm also a published author and wrote "Gods From the Machine", the first entry of my YA fiction series.

As an avid writer I've created a niche blog where I share my marketing knowledge with other aspiring writers in hopes of helping them become paid writers in their respective genres.

Buy My Novel Gods From the Machine on Amazon

Tech Skills

UI/UX Driven Designs
JavaScript ES5 + 6
Responsive Web Design


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🕹️ Entertainment Application
Today's Advice

This single page website designed to provide quick funny or serious advice.

ReactJSAdvice APIJSXNetlifyAxiosCSS3HTML5CSS Animations
📓 Sports & Active Website
Back Roads Travel Agency

A fictional travel themed website that uses the ReactJS and GatsbyJS framework to showcase their classes. Includes blog, headless cms, SEO, and mobile/desktop responsiveness.

GatsbyJSReactJSGraphQLJSXContentfulCSS ModulesBlogging CapabilitiesHeadless CMSBootstrap
🧰 Desktop Game Application
YU-GI-OH! Memory Match

A web application that dynamically changes cards each time its loaded, while keeping score and adjusting to the user feedback in real-time.

JavaScript (ES6)Object-Oriented ProgrammingjQueryHTML5CSS3Mobile Responsive
🧰 Web Application
Vaporwave Portfolio Template

A responsive web application that follows a vaporwave theme. Contains sections for projects, personal summary, contact form, and skillset showcase. Easily customizable, with animations on scroll.

JavaScript (ES6)AOS LibraryHTML5CSS3Mobile ResponsiveDesktop Responsive


If you have any questions or want to work together professionally, reach out to me via email!